Products and provider

Overview of all products/services for which the EU Ecolabel has been awarded by the German awarding body (RAL gGmbH) and for which it is permitted to use the EU Ecolabel Logo.

The EU Ecolabel Logo is always linked to a licence number that must be depicted on the product. Licence numbers issued by RAL gGmbH have the following format: DE/YYY/ZZZ, whereby YYY indicates the relevant product group and ZZZ the contract number that has been allocated to the product or service.

The EU Ecolabel is issued by all EU member states. The first letters of the licence number indicate the relevant awarding body, e.g. NL/YYY/ZZZ indicates that the number was issued by the awarding body in the Netherlands. It is only necessary to apply to one awarding body for the EU Ecolabel. It is then valid across the entire EU after the conclusion of a contract on the use of the Ecolabel.

All companies have the opportunity to register their products and services that have been awarded with the EU Ecolabel in the EU-wide Ecolabel Catalogue (ECAT). However, the overview in ECAT remains incomplete because registration is not mandatory.

You can find out here how many products and services are currently awarded in the EU as a whole. 

Aktuell werden nur Produkte der Gruppe Textile Products angezeigt.

Alle Produkte zeigen
License Number Product Name Vendor
License Number
SeaCell LT; SeaCell MT
SeaCell GmbH
Product Group
Textile Products
License Number
Polyester Regeneratfaser: PreCoFILL®; PreCoPET®
Cetex-Rheinfaser GmbH
Product Group
Textile Products
License Number
Füllfasern: Quallofil®, Hollofil® Spring, Comforel® Eco, Suprelle® Fresh
ADVANSA Marketing GmbH
Product Group
Textile Products
License Number
Olav – 92% Wool 8% Polyamide, greige Voss – 92% Wool 8% Polyamide, greige
Südwolle Group GmbH
Product Group
Textile Products
License Number
TYEUSCD Clean wool; TYEUWT Wool top; TYEUWN Noils; TYEUSWT Superwash wool top; TYEULTT Luster treated wool top; TYEUBWT Basolan treated wool top; Total easy care wool top
Tianyu Wool Industry
Product Group
Textile Products
License Number
Scoured wool/combed wool tops
Curtis Wool Direct Ltd
Product Group
Textile Products
License Number
GTMC4 Green Label Glas-Mikrofasertuch 40x40cm GTMC6 Green Label Glas-Mikrofasertuch 60x80cm
Unger Germany GmbH
Product Group
Textile Products
License Number
CENTO Sitzbezugstoff aus 100% Wolle
rohi stoffe GmbH
Product Group
Textile Products
License Number
Mikrofasertuch ClaraClean Eco Mikrofasertuch ClaraClean 3000F Wischmopp ClaraClean Eco
Avet GmbH
Product Group
Textile Products